11 oktober 2017

Delayed Updates Explanation

So I had so many plans to get this site up and running by this time..

Then things started to go wrong.
I lost my granpa this summer to cancer and had to travel out of town for the funeral and just as things started to settle down after that everything came crashing down again.

Out of the blue I lost my stepdad last month.. unlike my grandfathers passing this was a complete shock and I´m still not back on my feet.
The funeral was just last week and my mind is all over the place.
I have tried to update with new movies and trailers as much as I possibly could, but I don´t have that much energy at the moment.

I thought I´d write this to explain the inactivity in updates on this part of the site and I´ll try to be back to posting swapmeet, maildays and other horror goodies as soon as possible.

Until then Take Care!

25 maj 2017

Collection Update - Swapmeet

This update got extremely delayed...
I've been super busy preparing for Karolina´s birthday that was on the 24th of this month and things have been stressful with work as usual.

But enough with the excuses, this is the update that I should have posted at the beginning of this week, it´s from the swapmeet we went to last weekend.

I found a bunch of goodies for once, it´s usually the same garbage at the swapmeet, but I still go cause you never know :)

First Up:

  • Kemper: The Co-ed Killer
  • Sweeney Todd (Old Version)
  • The Living and the Dead
  • Buried Alive
  • Five Across the Eyes
  • Blood Trails
  • House on Haunted Hill
  • Steel Trap
  • Diary of a Serial Killer
  • Thr3e
    (apparently I that movie ended up on both of the pictures for some reason)
  • Deadly Blessing
  • Maneater
  • The Funhouse
  • Night of the Living dead
  • Chicago Massacre
  • The Hamiltons
  • Little Shop of Horrors
  • Mother of Tears
  • Carnival of Souls
  • Clear Lake
  • Babysitter Wanted
  • Cradle Will Fall
Now I have most of these movies already, but I did miss a few and the movies looked good together since they came from the same collection.
I got them all for a really awesome price so no harm done :)

Next Up:

  • Dungeon Girl
  • Devil Doll
  • Severance 
  • Rohtenburg
And lastly:

Not that I have that much space left on my walls but these were too good to pass up on, and I only payed like $0,50 each for them.

All of the goodies came from the same seller at the swapmeet.

The next swampmeet is tomorrow but I´m most likely not gonna make it to that one, there is a huge reptile/bug convention in town and I wouldn't miss that for anything.

I don´t really have the space for any more reptiles or spiders but if something really special shows up then I might be able to make some room :P

Anyway this will have to be it for this update.
I have a whole bunch of new movies that I need to get ready for the next update.
Hopefully I´ll have the time to do so over the weekend.

We went out on an awesome road trip yesterday and I managed to find a couple of movies out in the middle of no where at a garage/barn sale.

But more on that in the next update.

Bye Bye for now

18 maj 2017

Aileen Wuornos


  • Born: Aileen Carol Pittman
    February 29th, 1956
    Rochester, Michigan, United States

  • Died: October 9th, 2002 at the age of 46
    Florida State Prison, Bradford County, Florida, United States
  • Cause of Death: Lethal Injection
  • Known Aliases:

    Sandra Kretsch
    Susan Lynn Blahovec
    Lee Blahovec
    Cammie Marsh Greene
    Lori Kristine Grody

  • Convictions: 6 Counts of 1st degree Murder
  • Criminal Penalty: Death

  • Victims: 7
  • Span of Killings: November 30th, 1989 to November 19th, 1990
  • Country: United States of America
  • State: Florida
  • Weapon(s): High Standard .22 Caliber Revolver
  • Date Apprehended: January 9th, 1991


  • Richard Mallory, age 51, November 30th, 1989.
    Wuornos first victim, a convicted rapist. Mallory´s body was found on December 13th, 1989, he had been shoot several times, two bullets to the left lung was found to be the cause of death. Aileen claimed she killed Mallory in Self-Defense.

  • David Spear, age 43, June 1st, 1990.
    Spear´s nude body was found along Highway 19 in Citrus County, Florida. He had been shot six times.

  • Charles Carskaddon, age 40, May 31st, 1990.
    Carskaddon´s body was found on June 6th, 1990 in Pasco County, Florida. He had been shot nine times with a small-caliber weapon.

  • Peter Siems, age 65. His car was found abandoned in Orange Springs, Florida on July 4th, 1990. Wuornos hand print was found on the interior door of the car, Siems body was never found.

  • Troy Burress, age 50. Burress was reported missing on July 31st, 1990. His body was found in a wooden area along State Road 19 in Marion County, Florida on August 4th, 1990, he had been shot twice.

  • Charles "Dick" Humphreys, age 56, September 11th, 1990.
    Humphreys body was found in Marion County, Florida on September 12th. He was fully clothed and had been shot 6 times in the head and torso. His car was found in Suwannee County, Florida.

  • Walter Jeno Antonio, age 62.
    Antonio´s nearly nude body was found near a remote logging road in Dixie County, Florida on November 19th, 1990, he had been shot four times.
    Five days later his car was found in Brevard County, Florida.