Serial Killers

Info And Links Further down.

I've always been interested in Serial Killers, or the minds of Serial Killers I should say.
"We all go a little mad sometimes" but some people go bat crap crazy and that caught my attention at an early age.

What is it that makes us so different? Are we all capable of completely loosing our minds?
I tend to believe that we are all capable or horrible things, we are nothing but animals after all, so what is it that separate us from the notorious serial killers?

I've seen and read enough documentaries/books to say that there isn't that ONE thing that makes us snap.
I even took psychology classes when I was 17-18 years old, they were a huge waste of time but it taught me one thing though, you really can´t judge a book by its cover.

I dropped out of that class cause I could not agree with the modern day psychology practices, we are NOT all the same, what makes one person tick might have no effect on another.
We are all products of our upbringing, and you can´t rely on a book to properly diagnose or help anyone for that matter.

I could go on and on about this, and I would happily discuss this further if someone´s up for that, but the point of it all is that most serial killers differ from each other and that´s what makes it interesting, in most cases horrible, but interesting.

So to make this page a bit more interesting and appealing to a wider "audience" I thought that I could add a page on serial killers as well, as it tend to go hand in hand with horror.

And just a Heads Up.

If you are easily offended or very squeamish then maybe you shouldn't move further on this site. 
I won´t add any gory pictures or videos but there may or may not be links to sites that do however. 

Serial Killer Bios by Letter:

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