1 oktober 2016

Sci-Fi Bookstore + Mail Day

So this is the store that I was talking about in the previous entry.
They recently relocated and the new venue is so much better than the old one.

Initially I went by the store to pick up A Christmas Horror story but it was sold out, I had to order it instead.
But while I was there I decided to have a look around and see if there was anything else that I could need.

They had quite a few movies that I wanted/needed.

These are the ones I picked up this time + Mark of a Witch, for some reason I forgot to take a picture of that one.
I've been wanting to see Lizzie Borden for a long time but I haven't been able to find it until now.

I also received 2 movies by mail so I thought I could add them to this post as well since there is only 2 of them:

First up is this gorgeous Arrow release of The Stuff, I've been meaning to buy it for months but it was out of stock every time, but I finally got a hold of it!

Next up is a movie that I was sure that I had but I couldn't find it anywhere:

This will be all for now.
I have a couple of movies that should show up in a week or so, but until then Take Care!

Goodwill Hunting

The Goodwill closest to my home had their annual "music sale" a couple of days ago.
They usually have some pretty cool old records and musical instruments, I have to say this year was not at all as good as last year but I managed to find a couple of things anyway.

I was mostly looking for old soundtrack records, and these are the ones I could find.
Actually I picked up the Little Shop of Horrors record at another store in town.

Since the music sale was kind of a let down we decided to take advantage of the "nice" weather :P (Very Windy) but anyway we were already outside so why not.
We swung by a couple of different goodwill stores but sadly there wasn't that much to find.

This is pretty much all I could find.

It´s getting harder and harder to find anything I need.
Thankfully there is a pretty awesome store in town that sells a lot of imported movies and things like that.
I did pick up a couple of things there instead but that will be in another post (coming up right after I post this one)

I had a shitty start to this day so I´m gonna go and grab a cup of coffee and put on a Horror movie and hopefully the day will turn out decent.

Hope You´ll have a better Saturday than the one I´m having :P