11 oktober 2017

Delayed Updates Explanation

So I had so many plans to get this site up and running by this time..

Then things started to go wrong.
I lost my granpa this summer to cancer and had to travel out of town for the funeral and just as things started to settle down after that everything came crashing down again.

Out of the blue I lost my stepdad last month.. unlike my grandfathers passing this was a complete shock and I´m still not back on my feet.
The funeral was just last week and my mind is all over the place.
I have tried to update with new movies and trailers as much as I possibly could, but I don´t have that much energy at the moment.

I thought I´d write this to explain the inactivity in updates on this part of the site and I´ll try to be back to posting swapmeet, maildays and other horror goodies as soon as possible.

Until then Take Care!

25 maj 2017

Collection Update - Swapmeet

This update got extremely delayed...
I've been super busy preparing for Karolina´s birthday that was on the 24th of this month and things have been stressful with work as usual.

But enough with the excuses, this is the update that I should have posted at the beginning of this week, it´s from the swapmeet we went to last weekend.

I found a bunch of goodies for once, it´s usually the same garbage at the swapmeet, but I still go cause you never know :)

First Up:

  • Kemper: The Co-ed Killer
  • Sweeney Todd (Old Version)
  • The Living and the Dead
  • Buried Alive
  • Five Across the Eyes
  • Blood Trails
  • House on Haunted Hill
  • Steel Trap
  • Diary of a Serial Killer
  • Thr3e
    (apparently I that movie ended up on both of the pictures for some reason)
  • Deadly Blessing
  • Maneater
  • The Funhouse
  • Night of the Living dead
  • Chicago Massacre
  • The Hamiltons
  • Little Shop of Horrors
  • Mother of Tears
  • Carnival of Souls
  • Clear Lake
  • Babysitter Wanted
  • Cradle Will Fall
Now I have most of these movies already, but I did miss a few and the movies looked good together since they came from the same collection.
I got them all for a really awesome price so no harm done :)

Next Up:

  • Dungeon Girl
  • Devil Doll
  • Severance 
  • Rohtenburg
And lastly:

Not that I have that much space left on my walls but these were too good to pass up on, and I only payed like $0,50 each for them.

All of the goodies came from the same seller at the swapmeet.

The next swampmeet is tomorrow but I´m most likely not gonna make it to that one, there is a huge reptile/bug convention in town and I wouldn't miss that for anything.

I don´t really have the space for any more reptiles or spiders but if something really special shows up then I might be able to make some room :P

Anyway this will have to be it for this update.
I have a whole bunch of new movies that I need to get ready for the next update.
Hopefully I´ll have the time to do so over the weekend.

We went out on an awesome road trip yesterday and I managed to find a couple of movies out in the middle of no where at a garage/barn sale.

But more on that in the next update.

Bye Bye for now

18 maj 2017

Aileen Wuornos


  • Born: Aileen Carol Pittman
    February 29th, 1956
    Rochester, Michigan, United States

  • Died: October 9th, 2002 at the age of 46
    Florida State Prison, Bradford County, Florida, United States
  • Cause of Death: Lethal Injection
  • Known Aliases:

    Sandra Kretsch
    Susan Lynn Blahovec
    Lee Blahovec
    Cammie Marsh Greene
    Lori Kristine Grody

  • Convictions: 6 Counts of 1st degree Murder
  • Criminal Penalty: Death

  • Victims: 7
  • Span of Killings: November 30th, 1989 to November 19th, 1990
  • Country: United States of America
  • State: Florida
  • Weapon(s): High Standard .22 Caliber Revolver
  • Date Apprehended: January 9th, 1991


  • Richard Mallory, age 51, November 30th, 1989.
    Wuornos first victim, a convicted rapist. Mallory´s body was found on December 13th, 1989, he had been shoot several times, two bullets to the left lung was found to be the cause of death. Aileen claimed she killed Mallory in Self-Defense.

  • David Spear, age 43, June 1st, 1990.
    Spear´s nude body was found along Highway 19 in Citrus County, Florida. He had been shot six times.

  • Charles Carskaddon, age 40, May 31st, 1990.
    Carskaddon´s body was found on June 6th, 1990 in Pasco County, Florida. He had been shot nine times with a small-caliber weapon.

  • Peter Siems, age 65. His car was found abandoned in Orange Springs, Florida on July 4th, 1990. Wuornos hand print was found on the interior door of the car, Siems body was never found.

  • Troy Burress, age 50. Burress was reported missing on July 31st, 1990. His body was found in a wooden area along State Road 19 in Marion County, Florida on August 4th, 1990, he had been shot twice.

  • Charles "Dick" Humphreys, age 56, September 11th, 1990.
    Humphreys body was found in Marion County, Florida on September 12th. He was fully clothed and had been shot 6 times in the head and torso. His car was found in Suwannee County, Florida.

  • Walter Jeno Antonio, age 62.
    Antonio´s nearly nude body was found near a remote logging road in Dixie County, Florida on November 19th, 1990, he had been shot four times.
    Five days later his car was found in Brevard County, Florida.

16 maj 2017

Collection Update: May 16th - 2017

It´s that time of the week again where I catch up with the newest additions to the collection.
I decided to split this update into two parts, I found a lot of goodies at the swapmeet we went to last Saturday so I decided to make a separate update on those.

But first lets begin with a couple of awesome movies:

  • Nightmare Concert aka Cat in the Brain
  • Killerschlangen aka Rattlers
I won both of these at Tradera (Swedish eBay), I finally found Nightmare Concert for a price that wasn´t way over its actual value.
And the German cover of Rattlers was a must-have.

  • Possession
  • Phenomena
Possession was another Tradera score, Possession is a movie that´s usually way over-priced as well but I got this for a fair price.

Arrows release of Phenomena is nothing short of a gorgeous masterpiece, Phenomena has always been one of my favorite Argento movies, I made sure to place a pre-order on this release they sell out so fast (for good reason)

  • The Suckling aka Sewage Baby
  • Cabin Fever (2016)
  • Ouija: Origin of Evil
The Suckling is another one of those movies that I´ve been wanting for years.
I had Cabin Fever on pre-order for a reason that I can´t really explain right now.
I´m not a fan of Eli Roth to begin with, and I don´t see the point in this remake, reboot whatever you want to call it, more on that in a future review (Promise to get those started soon).

Ouija: Origin of Evil was a nice surprise however, it was a lot better that the first movie.

  • Witches & Demons Collection
  • The Hoarder
I will happily admit that I bought Witches & Demons for the cover alone, I had no idea what movies that was included in the collection before I bought it :D
Some covers are too awesome to pass on.

Now the Hoarder was a movie that I kinda had hopes for when I watched the trailer, it seemed interesting enough, but sadly fell short (Again I will hurry up with the reviews)

  • Little Shop of Horrors
  • Bats 
  • Vacancy / Vacancy 2
  • The Shawshank Redemption
  • Saw
I don´t think I have to explain again that I love to collect different editions :P

We´ve come to the end of this update:

  • Scooby-Doo
  • Scooby-Doo2: Monsters Unleashed
  • Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School
I think I need to make a list of the Scooby-Doo movies I still need, Yes I´m just a grown up child when it comes to Cartoons :D

Anyway this was all for the first part of this weeks update.
Hopefully I can find the time to post the Swapmeet findings later on today.

I still have a lot to organize with the collection, I had to move everything around to make room for the enormous rat cage we bought.

So I should probably get back to that.

Have a great week everyone!

8 maj 2017

Collection Update: May 8th, 2017

My apartment is starting to resemble a post-apocalyptic poster.
I´m still way behind with the collection due to the insane work schedule I had last month.
So I´m gonna finish up with this update then I have to at least try and sort this mess up.

I really need to go and get additional shelves, but since I don´t own a car I have to wait until someone can take me to Ikea.
And that won´t happen until after the funeral on Friday...

Anyway here´s the newest update (actually I have received a few additional movies, but I´m holding out for a few more until I include them in the update section)

First up:

  • Stephen King - Knackarna (The Tommyknockers) Swedish 1st Edition
  • Stephen King - Knackarna (The Tommyknockers) Bra Böcker Edition
  • Stephen King - Dolores Claiborne
So my habit of wanting all available releases of movies and books is probably the main reason for my lack of space.
At least the books are too blame, they take up A Lot of space...

But one of the Tommyknockers was a 1st edition in excellent condition so I couldn´t pass on that one, the other one was meant as a replacement for the one I had at home, but I noticed they were different releases and I might end up keeping both...

Dolores Claiborne however was a book I needed, I have the paperback editions both in English and in Swedish, I love to read the paperbacks but the hardcovers looks so much nicer on the shelf.

Next up:

  • Stephen King - Secret Window (French Release)
Continuing with the buying movies I already have in different editions trend, here´s a French version of Secret Window.
Moving right along with:

  • Subhuman aka. Shelf Life
  • Dead Ringers
  • Species The Awakening (Japan Edition)
I usually stay away from Asian releases since they are usually bootlegs, this one looked legit however. 
It´s usually not that hard to spot the bootlegs, specially the ones with the foil on the covers ;)
So either this one is one of the best bootlegs I have ever seen or it´s the real deal.

Dead Ringers was a nice find, I haven´t seen that movie in a long time and Subhuman was a movie I didn´t own already so all and all 3 nice finds.

And last but not least:

  • Scooby-Doo Meets the Harlem Globetrotters
  • Scooby-Doo and the Zombies
Finishing off with 2 new additions to the Scooby collection :)

Well that was it for now, I will post another update as soon as the packages I´m waiting for decides to show up.
The Postal Service and I are not on speaking terms at the moment, they have lost a package and 2 more are delayed.

So we´ll just have to wait and see when they decide to deliver the other ones, oh and I have to go and pick up a few movies in town on Thursday as well, so I´ll probably wait with the update until then.

I guess I have to go and take care of the messy apartment now...

I´ve said it a million times and I´ll say it again... I´m gonna need a bigger boat uhm.. house 

2 maj 2017

Collection Update - May 3rd, 2017

The last month has been a true hell month.
I´ve been working my bum off at work, and my grandpa passed away so needless to say I haven´t had that much time to update the blog...

Things are starting to get back to normal, I still have a funeral to go to in about a weeks time but at least I´m not working day and night anymore.

I have picked up a few goodies along the way, no where near as many as I would have liked tho.
But here are the news for this week. (Might be posting another Collection Update later this week :D )

First Up:

  • Vampyres: Daughters of Dracula (Anchor Bay)
  • Alien Blood (Troma)
I picked up Vampyres on Tradera (Swedish version of eBay) and I found Alien Blood at one of the Goodwills in town.
I can honestly say that I´ve never seen that movie out in the wild before, I recognized the cover from the Troma website.

  • Scooby-Doo: Where´s My Mummy
  • Scooby-Doo: Camp Scare
  • Scooby-Doo Meets the Boo Brothers
It´s no secret that I´m a huge fan of Anime and Cartoons.
At the moment it´s mostly Scooby-Doo movies that I´m trying to get my hands on.
It was one of my favorite shows growing up and it would be awesome to have a complete collection.

  • Casper´s Spöklika Jul
  • Batman Unlimited Monster Mayhem
I don´t think I´ve ever seen either of these movies but again I´m a huge fan of cartoons, specially cartoons that included monsters, ghosts or elements of horror.

These were the only movies I picked up for this first Update, I did find a couple of books as well tho.

  • Stephen King - Just After Sunset
  • Stephen King - Dead Zone (Swedish)
  • Stephen King - The Dark Tower II (Swedish)
  • Stephen King - Firestarter (Swedish)
  • Stephen King - 11/22/63
My Mom picked up Dead Zone for me and my Grandma picked up Firestarter and 11/22/63 for me along with a few replacements, some of my books are in horrible condition.
Or horrible is maybe exaggerating a bit, but they could definitely be nicer.

It definitely helps with the collection when I have people in my family that are willing to run around local goodwills and such :P (We live in different cities).

And lastly for this Update two blind buys.

I have no idea if these two books are any good, but summer is coming and I love to bring a book with me if we go to the park or out in the woods.
We spend a lot of time on the bus/train during summer as well but I usually get motion sick if I try to read on the bus :(

So this is it for the first update for this week.
I am expecting additional movies to show up this week, but you never know with the postal service..
If they do show up I might do another Update this week.

Until then Take Care!

13 april 2017

Collection Update - April 13th, 2017

Its time for another weekly collection update.

This will be a short one, I´m still completely beat from work.
Thankfully I have the day of tomorrow, then it´s time for a much needed clean.
The collection has suffered greatly do to the fact that I haven´t had a single day off from work in over 2 weeks.

Anyway on to the new goodies:

  • Just Desserts: The Making of Creepshow
  • Basket Case Trilogy
  • The Deadly Spawn
  • Shocker 
  • The Burning
I definitely went for quality over quantity this week, as in No blind buys :D

  • Abattoir
  • Bread and Circus
  • The Watcher In the Woods
I haven´t seen The Watcher In the Woods since I was a kid, so that´s gonna be a nice nostalgia trip to re-watch.
Bread and Circus are one of those Gory Splatter movies that you just have to have in your collection if you´re into that type of movies, might not be the greatest movie ever made but still.

I bought Abattoir cause Lin Shaye stars in it and I´ve always been a fan.
The movie didn´t disappoint but it wasn´t the greatest movie I´ve ever seen either.
More about that in a future review.

And the last of the movies for this week:

  • Scooby-Doo Where Are You: Season 2
  • Scooby-Doo and the Cyber Chase

And last but not least, a couple of Books:

  • Joe Hill: En Hjärtformad Ask (Heart-Shaped Box, Swedish Edition)
  • Stephen King: Jurtjyrkogården (Pet Sematary, New Swedish Edition)
  • Sweeney Todd
  • A Discovery of Witches
I only had the English version of Heart-Shaped box so I figured that I could might as well pick up the Swedish edition as well, I prefer to read books in their original language but if I can find other releases I tend to pick them up just to add to the collection.

Same with the Stephen King book, I have the book but not the new release.

A Discovery of Witches was the only blind-buy for this week, the title looked interesting and the books were like $1.25 each so no harm done.

This was everything for this week, as usual I´ve already received a couple of additional movies but they will be featured next week.

Right now I´m gonna go and relax on the sofa with a horror movie and enjoy not having to stress over working tomorrow.

// Hope You all have a great day.

4 april 2017

Collection Update - April 4th, 2017

Here we go with another weekly update :)

I went by my neighborhood goodwill a couple of days ago, lately I haven´t been able to find much of anything there, but this time I have to say that I struck gold.

Let´s start with these two:

  • Richard Backman - The Regulators
  • Stephen King - Desperation
I have been looking for these two books for a very long time, and when I finally found them they are both first editions. That´s a very sweet little bonus.
Most of all I´m happy that they are in absolute mint condition.

And like that wasn´t "enough" I also came across these:

  • Stephen King - Bag of Bones
  • Stephen King - Dolores Claiborne
  • Stephen King - Thinner
I needed all of these in the original English language, I had the Swedish releases prior to finding these, but I would love to have a complete King collection both in Swedish and in English.
The Dolores Claiborne paperback was also a first edition.
I don´t know who would leave this at a goodwill but Thank You to whoever did.

Moving on with the Goodwill finds (Yes it was an awesome awesome day):

  • Clive Barker - Books of Blood Volume Three
  • Clive Barker - The Great and Secret Show
I have all the Books of Blood in two collection volumes but I like to collect different editions of the books I like :)

  • Greg McLean - Wolf Creek Desolation Game
  • Frederick Forsyth - The Phantom of Manhattan
  • Dan Simmons - Hyperion
I actually found Wolf Creek a couple of weeks ago but I forgot to post it, I found it at the same Goodwill so I thought I´d throw it in with the rest.

And lastly (For the Goodwill finds)

  • Graham McNamee - Beyond
  • Tessa Gratton - The Blood Keeper
I have never heard of these books before but they looked interesting enough to pick up, they were in excellent condition and they were really cheap.

Moving on to the movies:

  • The Hamiltons
  • They
  • Tale of Tales
  • Freaks of Nature

  • Hammerhead
  • Wolves
  • Lord of Illusions
  • Let Sleeping Corpses Lie
Most of these were purchased on Tradera (Swedish equivalent to eBay) and some where ordered online from Ginza if I´m not mistaken.

I just got a couple of new goodies in the mail, but that will have to wait until the next update :)
Right now I have to dust off the collection.

"Talk" to you soon again.

27 mars 2017

Collection Update - March 27th, 2017

Hello Boils and Ghouls it´s time for another weekly Horror Update.

I found a couple of goodies this week or the week that passed I should say, I made some space for additional horror movies but that´s filling up fast.
Thankfully I got a call from work, I was asked to work extra for 1 month straight, everyday...ugh

It´s gonna suck working double almost everyday but the change in paycheck will be substantial and I will try to keep that in mind when work gets too boring.
I really need to switch out two of my large shelves (for even larger ones) and I need to get a tattoo appointment booked so money is definitely needed :P

Not to mention all the horror movies I have on pre-order.
But enough rambling and on to this weeks Horror Update:

  • Lovely Molly
  • The Tomb
  • June 
  • The Sand
This were all picked up at Kvarnvideo, the video store in town that´s sadly closing on the 31st of this month. If you live in Sweden like I do there will be a link to their website at the end of this post.

  • The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Danish Release)
  • Hellraiser: Inferno
  • Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1932 and 1941 Version)
  • Without Warning
  • The Legend of Hell House
Just like the previous ones these were picked up at Kvarnvideo.

  • Burying the Ex
  • Supernatural Paranormal
  • Suck
Burying the Ex came from Ginza and the other two came from... you guessed it Kvarnvideo.

I´m still waiting for one part of the order from Ginza, and I´m starting to doubt if I´ll ever see that movie, when I ordered it they said it´s on the way to their warehouse/Storage facility whatever you wish to call it.
Anyway that was a a couple of weeks ago now, I don´t mind waiting for something I know is coming, but there is absolutely no information about my order whatsoever.

I totally get that keeping every title in stock might be hard but come on, you don´t leave someone hanging for weeks and weeks without at least update them on the situation.

Last but not least:

  • Deodato´s Cinema of Death
  • Cannibal Holocaust
  • Ballad In Blood
Ruggero Deodato is back.
I´m really looking forward to watching Ballad in Blood, both Ballad in Blood and Cinema of Death was ordered from Discshop and the Cannibal Holocaust DVD came from Kvarnvideo as well.

I think I´m up to 3 copies of Cannibal Holocaust now but this one had a documentary I´ve never seen before as a bonus feature.

I´m gonna end this post with the link to Kvarnvideo as promised.
Again if you live in Sweden make sure to check them out.

16 mars 2017

Collection Update - March 17th, 2017

Time for another update :)

I´m thinking about keeping this as a weekly update thing, depending on the amount of movies of course.
It´s not every week that I get new movies even though lately that has been pretty much the case.

But in trying to find some structure to this I´m thinking that a weekly update would probably be the best, so I´m gonna go with that and see how that goes.

So anyway here are the most recent movies, I did get a couple of additional movies but I had already snapped a picture of these ones so the rest will have to wait until the next update :)

  • Heart Stopper
  • Carnival of Souls
  • Dead of the Nite
  • One Eyed Monster
These were all pretty much "blind buys", well not Carnival of Souls of course.
Buying a movie called "One Eyed Monster" featuring Ron Jeremy can only end one way - laughter.
I´m a huge fan of Troma and this seemed very close to the goofiness of their movies so I definitely wanted to check it out.

Dead of the Nite and Heart Stopper are both movies that I don´t know all that much about but Robert Englund is a personal favorite and Tony Todd is not all that shabby either.
I do make a few "Blind Buys" here and there, as long as I can get the movies for a fair price then I don´t see the harm in it.

I know certain people nag about why buy "crappy" horror movies?
Is that just to gain a larger collection?

First off all there are no guide map to collecting horror, I would NEVER tell anyone what to collect or even meddle in what someone else wants to buy.
Personally I collect Horror movies, all types of horror movies.
Some blind buys have turned out to be absolutely amazing just as some mainstream, highly raved about horror movies can turn out to be complete garbage.

I could go on an on about what I think about the people that constantly attack others on social media but I won´t (at least not now) instead I´m going to continue with this update:

  • Stage Fright
  • Silent Hill: Revelation
  • Seconds Apart 
  • Prowl
Here we have a pretty good example of how not all sequels turn out the way you want it to.
I LOVED the first Silent Hill movie but the sequel left me equally disappointed. 
The "monsters" of Silent Hill: Revelation is what you would expect but the story line was far from great. I will go into more of a detailed review on that on a later occasion.

  • Dangerous Water aka Spring Break Shark Attack
  • 5 Senses of Fear
  • Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated Season 2 Vol 4
  • God of Vampires
And lastly: 

  • Survival of the Dead 
  • The Nightmare Before Christmas
  • Cell
  • Scream 4
These were all alternate releases to movies I already have in my collection.

This is it for now, the next update will contain something pretty awesome so make sure to check back in for that :P
It´s 3 in the morning here (European Time) and I should be sleeping but I´m gonna try and get some work done on the main part of the blog before I try to go back to sleep.

Hope you´ll have a Good Night and a Great Weekend.

Bye for now

9 mars 2017

Collection Update - March 9th, 2017

I´ve fallen a bit behind with the Collection update posts, but I will try and catch up as soon as I possibly can.

I haven´t been feeling well over the past week so everything got a bit pushed back, I have a bunch of new movies that need to be added to the main site and I need to find a space for them in my already overstocked shelves.

I really need to exchange the shelve I have to make room for additional movies.
Oh and I past 1700 Horror Movies this week which is pretty insane, specially when I think about the amount of movies that are left on my "Wantlist" and those are just the movies I could think of on the top of my head.

But anyway here we go with the first part of the new movies, I will be adding the rest hopefully this weekend :)

  • My Soul to Take 
  • Let the Right one In
  • The Gate - Collector´s Edition
  • Saw
  • In their Sleep
  • Hunger
These were a mix of movies that I didn´t have (In their Sleep and Hunger) and a couple of different releases that I didn't have before, I really don´t have the space for alternate editions but its too much fun to pass up :P

  • Scooby-Doo and the Ghosts
  • Scooby-Doo meets Kiss
  • Scooby-Doo and the Goblin King
  • Scooby-Doo meets Batman

  • Bug 
  • Stigmata

This will have to do for now, I have to get on with cleaning the apartment and hopefully find space for the new movies in the process.
With a little luck there will be a package for me at the post office later on today as well.

Have a Spooktacular Day ;)

1 mars 2017

Collection Update - March 1st - 2017

I don´t know if its my Internet Connection that´s at fault or if it´s Bloggers servers that are acting up at the moment.
I´m having such issues with uploading content at the moment that it´s not even funny.

But I´m gonna try and give this another go before I have to go back to the weekly dusting of the collection (One of a very few downsides to collecting)

I´ve picked up a few new books as well as movies over the past 2 weeks, let´s start with the books:

  • Stephen King - Gerald´s Game
  • Clive Barker - The Damnation Game
  • Clive Barker - Weaveworld
Books by Clive Barker is actually a pretty rare sight here so I´m always a little extra happy for the occasions when I manage to find any at all.
All three books were found at the Goodwill closest to my home.
And yes I´m the same with books as with my movies, I like to have as many different editions as possible.

If you go to my Stephen King Collection on my main site you´ll notice that I have multiple editions of most of the books :)

  • Peter Benchley - Hajen/Jaws
Finding this was a treat I have the paperback edition of the book but that was released after the movie was already a success.

  • Richard Backman (Stephen King) - Blaze
This one was actually a Christmas present from my Granma that I completely forgot to post.
She has made it her mission to find me as many Stephen King books as possible, which I´m definitely grateful for.

Okay on to the movies, I found the Jaws book at a Goodwill just outside of town, I forgot to mention that.

  • From Dusk Till Dawn 1-3
  • Hellraiser Hellseeker
  • The Toolbox Murders 2005
  • Henry Lee Lucas
  • German Angst
  • Hatchet III
  • Shadow
Four new and four alternate releases is a fairly good mix I think :P
I bought the From Dusk Till Dawn box just cause I thought the box looked pretty sweet, Hellraiser was a must have the edition I had was one of the horrible 2 movies one case releases and I find them to be extremely boring.

Toolbox Murders and Underworld are alternate releases as well.

German Angst and Hatchet III were ordered online and the others were picked up at my favorite Video Store (That´s sadly closing its doors this month).
Or no wait I picked up From Dusk Till Dawn at the Goodwill as well, sorry.

And last but not least:

That´s right MORE Saw releases :P

  • Saw IV - Director´s Cut
  • Saw III
  • Saw II - Clear Cover
  • Saw II
  • Saw - Unrated
  • Saw - Steelbook
I think I´m at 20-something different Saw movies now.
The first couple of Saw movies were really good, I´m not a huge fan of the rest of the franchise, but from a collector´s standpoint I find them very fun to collect since there´s so many different releases out there :)

Anyway that´s it for this update.
I have a couple of new additions already but I´m waiting for a couple of movies to get here by mail before I post the next update :)

It´s now time to go back to cleaning.. always a pleasure.

I Hope You´ll all have a great evening or morning depending on where you´re at in the world when you´re reading this.


16 februari 2017

Collection Update - February 17th

Good Morning or Good Night depending on where you´re at in the world.

In Sweden where I´m at its just past 7 in the morning and I should be sleeping still but with all the stress that´s going on in my life at the moment it´s hard to get the peace to sleep.

So I thought I could update you on my latest horror purchases instead (Still have a Mail Day update to post as well), but I´ve almost caught up with myself again :)

Here we go:

  • Gothika
  • Jekyll + Hyde
  • The Prophecy: Uprising
  • Dead Birds
  • The Plague
  • Red Sands
  • Happy Tree Friends Vol 1
  • Chill Out Scooby Doo!
  • Dead Rising: Watchtower
  • Dead Rising: Endgame
  • Late Phases
  • Nosferatu The Vampyre
  • Don´t Look Now

  • Hemlock Grove Season 1-3
  • Moonlight: The Complete Series

Most of these were found at a local Goodwill Store, or more like half of them perhaps.
The other ones were ordered online :)

Dead Rising was actually better than I thought it would be, might be cause I´m mildly obsessed with the games.
I do wish that they would have made a movie based of Dead Rising 2.

I have no idea what Moonlight is about but I found it for $2-3 at the Goodwill and I thought why not.

The highlight of the Goodwill finds still has to be the 2-Disc Edition of Nosferatu.

I think I´m going to spend a couple of hours this morning fixing up the main part of this site a bit, it´s been dragging on for much longer than I expected.

Hopefully I can start adding some reviews soon as well.

Bye Bye for Now!