1 november 2016

Journal - November 1st

So I haven't been posting a lot lately, I have a stubborn cold that just wont give up.

I've found so many amazing movies over the past couple of days/weeks and I´m really gonna try and post them if not today then later on this week.

My dad will come down for a visit later this week so I have to try and get the collection in order and clean out the fishtanks and whatnot.

I really don´t like the growing stack of movies, but I haven't had the energy to get them sorted.
I´m expecting maybe 10 movies to show up later this week, hopefully so I better get it done before it gets out of hand completely, I´m a total neat freak (read OCD) when it comes to my collection and I can´t stand the clutter.

The packages I´m currently waiting for are delayed due to the Pope visiting the town.. Stupidest thing Ever! But it gives me some time to get the movies in order.

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