19 januari 2017

Amazing Mailday

I went to pick up this humongous box at the Post Office a couple of days ago, the content is something that I've had on my "Wantlist" for a very long time.

To me this is a part of Swedish Horror History, not in the way that the movies are Swedish, well some of them are.
But the movies were released by a small Swedish company back in 2011, sadly they have since gone out of business.

I just have to say that THIS is the way to properly send movies, I cant give this guy cred enough.

I've received so many packages where the movies have been completely destroyed due to lazy people, so it was definitely refreshing to get a package as nicely packed as this.

Let´s Take a Closer Look at the Movies :)

The back of the movies are numbered #1-11 and they spell out "Dark Entert" I guess the idea was to make it to Dark Entertainment, but I´m fairly sure that these were the only ones released before they went out of business.
If I´m wrong please correct me :P

  • Brain Dead
  • La Petite Mort
  • Frankenstein Vs. The Creature From Blood Cove

  • Gutterballs
  • Hanger 
  • Torched

  • Död Vid Ankomst 
  • Syner 
  • Slaughter Disc

  • Hannah House
  • Necronos: Tower of Doom

Now I know these type of Horror movies are not for everyone, but I´m so happy to finally own them :D

If you wanna take a closer look at each individual movie, bonus feature and so on follow this link ---> Dark Entertainment Collection 

9 januari 2017

Collection Update + small rant :P - January 10th

Yesterday was a busy day, we started to redecorate at home to make room for more movies (Getting Impossible) but we made it work once more :P

I had to go into town as well to pick up a few movies and as usual I ended up with a few more than I had ordered, along with that I also received most of the movies I had ordered last week.

So all and all I had a busy but awesome day yesterday.

  • Killer Nun
  • The Changeling
  • Nightmare City
  • The Choke
  • Daylight Fades
  • Nightmare on Elm Street 3
  • Nightmare on Elm Street 4
  • Nightmare on Elm Street 5
  • Wes Craven´s New Nightmare

As I stated on my Instagram No I didn't "need" the Nightmare on Elm Street dvds,  I have the Collector´s box set but I wanted the individual releases as well.

It´s pretty sad that I have to even point it out but some people and their stupid remarks and/or question is becoming annoying.

I don´t see how it´s anyone´s business but mine what movies I own, want or missing.
There´s no List of movies that you need to own to own the privilege of calling yourself a horror collector.

There´s so much bitchiness and jealousy coming from certain people and I will never understand it, people that makes life into a constant competition will Always lose.

You can never be happy if you constantly compare yourself to others, I don´t spend the money I do to collect movies to be able to compete with anyone else.

We have the same interest and obsession with horror for a reason, the bitchiness is uncalled for.

5 januari 2017

Back From the Busy Holiday Season

It´s finally time to get a grip on this Journal /Blog / Website whatever you wanna call it :P

We had a really nice holiday, busy and stressful at times but it´s always nice to celebrate Christmas with your family.

The stress to get everything done by Christmas day put a complete halt to this site and to the collection.
Well it didn´t exactly put a stop to the Collection it rather caused the Collection to spiral out of control.

This is what my December "haul" looked like on Christmas Day...
Since then I´ve received at least 20 additional movies.

So getting this mess in order is definitely at the top of my list.

I will start to go into more details with the Mail Day and Store Pickups as soon as I possibly can.

I hope you all had a great Holiday Season!
Its time for me to start figuring this mess out.