4 april 2017

Collection Update - April 4th, 2017

Here we go with another weekly update :)

I went by my neighborhood goodwill a couple of days ago, lately I haven´t been able to find much of anything there, but this time I have to say that I struck gold.

Let´s start with these two:

  • Richard Backman - The Regulators
  • Stephen King - Desperation
I have been looking for these two books for a very long time, and when I finally found them they are both first editions. That´s a very sweet little bonus.
Most of all I´m happy that they are in absolute mint condition.

And like that wasn´t "enough" I also came across these:

  • Stephen King - Bag of Bones
  • Stephen King - Dolores Claiborne
  • Stephen King - Thinner
I needed all of these in the original English language, I had the Swedish releases prior to finding these, but I would love to have a complete King collection both in Swedish and in English.
The Dolores Claiborne paperback was also a first edition.
I don´t know who would leave this at a goodwill but Thank You to whoever did.

Moving on with the Goodwill finds (Yes it was an awesome awesome day):

  • Clive Barker - Books of Blood Volume Three
  • Clive Barker - The Great and Secret Show
I have all the Books of Blood in two collection volumes but I like to collect different editions of the books I like :)

  • Greg McLean - Wolf Creek Desolation Game
  • Frederick Forsyth - The Phantom of Manhattan
  • Dan Simmons - Hyperion
I actually found Wolf Creek a couple of weeks ago but I forgot to post it, I found it at the same Goodwill so I thought I´d throw it in with the rest.

And lastly (For the Goodwill finds)

  • Graham McNamee - Beyond
  • Tessa Gratton - The Blood Keeper
I have never heard of these books before but they looked interesting enough to pick up, they were in excellent condition and they were really cheap.

Moving on to the movies:

  • The Hamiltons
  • They
  • Tale of Tales
  • Freaks of Nature

  • Hammerhead
  • Wolves
  • Lord of Illusions
  • Let Sleeping Corpses Lie
Most of these were purchased on Tradera (Swedish equivalent to eBay) and some where ordered online from Ginza if I´m not mistaken.

I just got a couple of new goodies in the mail, but that will have to wait until the next update :)
Right now I have to dust off the collection.

"Talk" to you soon again.

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